



SECTION I.  The name of the Organization will be Haverford Hawks Ice Hockey Club, Inc. and it is hereafter referred to in these By-laws as the “Organization” or the “Corporation.”

SECTION II.  The fiscal year of the Organization shall commence on the first day of April of each year.

SECTION III.  The principal offices of the Corporation shall be at such place in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as the Board of Directors (the “Board”) may determine.  The Board may at any time establish other offices of the Corporation or branches of its business at whatever place or places it chooses.  The principal place of the Corporation is currently the Skatium, 1002 Darby Road, Havertown, PA  19083. The mailing address is, P.O. Box 528, Havertown, PA  19083.



SECTION I.  The Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes within the meaning of § 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  More specifically this Corporation is formed for the purpose of teaching, promoting and encouraging youth ice hockey in a supervised instructional ice hockey program.

No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its players (each a “Player” and collectively, “Players”) or their parents or guardians (collectively, “Parents”) trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes of the Corporation.  No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under § 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by any organization contributions to which are deductible under § 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Players and Parents will be collectively referred to herein as “Participants.”

Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation to an organization or organizations exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes exempt as such time under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


The objectives for which the Organization is formed:

  1. To promote and organize youth hockey in Delaware and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania,
  2. To encourage the organization as one family, consisting of teams in age groups determined by USA Hockey and any league the executive board votes to join. To teach hockey skills and respect for the game, teammates, coaches, and opposing players,
  3. To develop and encourage sportsmanship between all players,
  4. To enhance the physical and emotional health of the players,
  5. To provide the opportunity for players to participate in a team sport at the appropriate competitive levels,
  6. To strive to perform any and all acts to further the above goals.

In order to achieve the above the Organization will:

  1. Provide proper, qualified coaching in accordance with USA Hockey Guidelines, specifically the ADM Model.
  2. Provide competition at a level commensurate with an individual’s and their team skill level,
  3. Register each player with USA Hockey and comply with all of its rules, regulations and guidelines,
  4. Provide adequate practice ice time for skill development, team building and game ice time as scheduled, and
  5. Will adhere to and follow the by-laws of USA Hockey, AAHA, and participating leagues.



SECTION I.  The Organization’s philosophy is to provide training, supervision and guidance to children to maintain their physical health and mental condition, and to be part of the process of developing a healthy, mature adult.

SECTION II.  The Organization desires to build a sense of community based upon shared civic values and places the emphasis in its programs on learning and development of the fundamentals of sport and team play.



SECTION I.  The Organization shall be nonprofit, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.

SECTION II.  The name of the Organization or the names of any Officer, Board of Director or Coach, in their official capacities, shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with a partisan interest of for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objective of philosophies of the Organization or that will conflict or result in loss of its non-profit, tax-exempt status.

SECTION III.  The Organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare but persons representing the Organization in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the Organization.



SECTION I. Any Player who desires to learn and play competitive ice hockey and subscribes to the objectives, philosophy and basic policies of the Organization may, together with his or her parent or guardian, become a participant in the organization.   Participation in the Organization shall be available without regard to sex, race, gender color or creed so long as the player is physically and mentally capable of participating at the competitive level of the team at his or her age level as determined by the rules of leagues the club has joined, AAHA and USA Hockey.

SECTION II.  Only Parents in good standing (fees paid in full) of the Organization shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings, or to serve in any of its elective or appointed positions.

SECTION III.  The Board shall approve the fees for each season.  No Player whose family has an outstanding balance from any previous season will be allowed to register until all back payments have been paid to the Organization in available funds.

SECTION IV.  The Executive Board in its sole discretion may suspend any Player who is late in any payment due the Organization ten (10) or more days from all on-ice activities until such time as such Player becomes current with respect to the fees owed to the Organization.  If such a determination is made by the Executive Board, the President or Treasurer will inform the Coach of the Player’s team, who will be responsible for enforcement of this rule.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Participants who have difficulty meeting the Organization’s payment schedule may make other payment arrangements deemed satisfactory by the President and the Treasurer.


  1. Temporary absences caused by other activities, illness or injuries are not the cause for forgiveness or waiver of payments of fees.


  1. Only the Executive Board has the power to grant a Player Release.  Upon grant of the Player Release, a written release, shall be executed by the President with a copy to the President, Registrar, and the Player’s Parent(s).
  2. Any Player that requests and is granted a Player Release is also not entitled to receive a refund from the Organization. A decision to issue a refund (full or partial) is within the Executive Board's discretion, and the Executive Board shall consider the totality of the circumstances associated with the request for the player release.



SECTION I.  The Board of Directors, their respective term of office and voting rights shall be as follows:

Executive Board Members Term Voting Rights

President 2 Years, (Even) Voting Member (+tie breaking vote)

Vice President 2 Years, (Odd) Voting Member

Secretary & Communications 2 Years, (Even) Voting Member

Treasurer 2 Years, (Odd) Voting Member

Registrar 2 Years, (Odd) Voting Member

General Board Members Term Voting Rights

Hockey Director (Appointed) 2 Years (Odd) Voting Member

Assistant Hockey Director (Appointed) 2 Years (Odd) Voting Member

Head Manager (Elected) 2 Years (Even) Voting Member

Scheduler (Appointed) 2 Years (Odd) Voting Member

Fundraising Coordinator (Elected) 2 Years (Odd) Voting Member

Director of Youth Dev. (Appointed) 2 Years (Even) Voting Member

Asst. Director of Youth Dev. (Appointed) 2 Years (Even) Voting Member

Finland Exchange Chair (Appointed) 2 Years (Odd) Voting Member

Alumni Relations (Appointed) 2 Years (Even) Voting Member


The Executive Board of the Board of Directors (the “Executive Board”) shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Registrar and shall have such duties and authority as set forth in these Bylaws.


The President, Secretary and Head Manager shall be elected at a general meeting of the Participants of the Organization in May in even years.  The Vice President, Treasurer, Registrar and Fundraising Coordinator shall be elected at a general meeting of the Participants of the Organization in May in odd years.


The President with the approval of the Executive Board is responsible for and shall appoint the following:

  1. The Hockey Director, Scheduler and Finland Exchange Chair on a bi-annual basis in May of odd calendar years.
  2. The Alumni Relations, and Director of Youth Development on a bi-annual basis in May of even calendar years.

The Hockey Director and Director of Youth Development with the approval of the Executive Board is responsible for and shall appoint the following:

  1. Assistant Hockey Director and Assistant Director of Youth Development bi-annually on Odd and Even years respectively. 


All Officers and Executive Board Members shall assume their official duties on the first day following the election results and shall serve for a term of two years or until election and qualification of their successors.

  1. Presidents may only serve a maximum of 3 two-year terms (plus 1 partial term if appointed in an off-election year).  This provision may only be changed by a majority vote of the Parent(s) of the Player(s) currently registered and in good standing with the Organization.  Regardless of the number of Players in each family, Parents shall be entitled to only one vote per family.   
  2. Finland Exchange Representative, Head of Managers and Fundraising coordinator shall begin their term the day after they are confirmed.


  1. An individual desiring to hold an elected position within the Organization shall notify a member of the Executive Board by sending a written notice or email setting forth such person’s name and specifying his or her intention to seek a particular elected office prior to March 15. 
  2. The position of President shall be filled by a General Board or Executive Board Member either currently on the board or who has served on the board within the last 2 years.  Board Members who wish to run shall notify a member of the Executive Board by sending a written notice setting forth such person’s name and specifying his or her intention of running for president.  If no Board member wishes to run, then the position shall be opened up to Parents of the General Membership.  
  3. Provided that such Participant is a Parent of a Participant and is in good standing with the Organization, such Participant’s name shall be placed on the ballot for the elective office he or she is seeking.
  4. Executive Board Members may run for consecutive terms.
  5. Officers shall be elected by the majority vote of the Parent(s) of the Player(s) currently registered and in good standing with the organization.   Regardless of the number of Players in each family, Parents shall be entitled to only one vote per family. 


The Executive Board shall fill a vacancy occurring in any elected office on an interim basis until such time as the next election for that position.


Any Officer or Board member may be removed from office under the circumstances set forth in Subsections A through G below and upon an affirmative vote of a at least three (3) Executive Board members at a special meeting of the Executive Board called for that purpose or at a regular meeting of the Board; provided that in either case at least two (2) days’ notice following the date of the determination of the Disciplinary Committee has been delivered to the Executive Board member who is subject to removal.

Steps to remove an Executive Board Member or Elected Board Member (heretofore know as “Officer”):

  1. An Officer may only be removed for good cause.
  2. The charges setting forth the allegations of “cause” for removing an Officer must be brought to the attention of a member of the Executive Board and may be brought by any Participant. 
  3. The Executive Board Member shall advise the President or in the case of the charges being against the President, shall advise the Vice President who shall deliver the charge or charges to the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee.
  4. If a member of the Disciplinary Committee is being charged, they shall immediately be removed from the Disciplinary Committee and the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy.
  5. The Disciplinary Committee shall first investigate the charges and whether they amount to “cause” for dismissal of the Officer.
  6. The Disciplinary Committee shall hold a hearing with the person making the charges and the Officer invited to attend and testify. 
  7. Within ten (10) days following the investigation and the hearing, the Disciplinary Committee shall make a recommendation in writing to the Executive Board on whether there exists good cause shown to remove the Officer.
  8. The Executive Board shall review the recommendation and shall have the final decision on whether there exists good cause to remove the Officer or allow such Officer to maintain his or her position.  The Executive Board may, in its discretion, rely on the investigation of the Disciplinary Committee or conduct its own hearing on the issues involved.
  9. It shall require a vote of at least three (3) Executive Board Members to remove an Officer.


An appointed member of the Board of Directors may be removed without cause by the President with the approval of the Executive Board or by a majority vote of the Board on its own motion.


The Officer positions which are coming up for election, along with the job description, must be posted on the Hawks Website ( by the last day of January of the year in which the election is to take place together with the date for the February general meeting.




The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.  The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and shall have general supervision over the business and operations of the Corporation, subject, however, to the control of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.  The president shall sign, execute, and acknowledge, in the name of the Corporation, deeds, mortgages, contracts or other instruments authorized by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Executive Board or the Board of Directors, or by these Bylaws, to some other Officer or agent of the Corporation; and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the office of Chief Executive Officer, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Executive Board or the Board of Directors.  The President shall also represent and attend scheduled league meetings on behalf of the organization.  In the event of a voting tie, the president will vote a 2nd time for the tie-breaking vote.


The Vice President shall assist the President as needed and shall, in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and Board of Directors.  The Vice President shall undertake all duties assigned by the President, the Executive Board or the Board of Directors from time to time.  The Vice President shall also represent and attend scheduled league meetings with the President.


The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors (or committees of the board) and shall record all votes of the Directors (or committee persons) and the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors (or committee) in a database, book, or books to be kept for that purpose; shall see that notices are given and records and reports properly kept and filed by the Corporation as required by law; shall be the custodian of the seal of the Corporation and see that it is affixed to all documents which are to be executed on behalf of the Corporation under its seal; and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the Office of Secretary, and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors or the President. In coordination with the President or appropriate Board Members, the Secretary oversees club-wide communications, including assisting with external communications, maintaining the Hawks' website, and overseeing all club-mandated social media platforms as well as coordinating with The Finland Exchange Committee on club-wide communications and will discharge others duties as may be requested from time to time by the President or the Board.


The treasurer is responsible for managing the funds of the club which includes collections of tuition payments, depositing funds to the bank account, paying approved expenses and reconciling the bank account on a monthly basis.  The treasurer is also responsible for preparing and maintaining an annual budget, preparing and maintaining the financial records, and presenting the financial records to the board members at the monthly board meetings.  The treasurer will also work with an accounting firm on an annual basis to prepare the IRS tax filings and charitable organization filings which includes providing the financial statements and club organization information.   In addition to the club activities the treasurer will also work with the Finland Exchange Chairs to manage those funds and prepare the annual financial information.  The treasurer will provide financial information as requested by the board members and/or club, and work with the other board members as needed and requested.


The Registrar shall oversee the registration process, including but not limited to: set up and publish the new season, set up and start pre-registration, set up and start formal registration for each division including proper registration documentation, actively work to recruit new players and get existing players to pre-register and register, maintain and keep a file of all registration paperwork for every player and staff member for the duration of the season, update the board with pre and regular registration numbers for each division, work with the Vice President and Hockey Director to set up tryouts.  Before the start of the regular season Registrar shall:  create Hawks season for USA hockey (, work with team managers to ensure all players have a USAH# and birth certificate (and forward birth certificates to AAHA league rep), submit all required documentation to leagues the club has joined.  In season Registrar shall: upload all players and team staff with USA Hockey and leagues the club has joined, create and submit all teams to USA Hockey for approval, obtain and provide the official USAH roster (T-1) to each team manager, file proper paperwork for playoff and district bound teams.  Compliance: Registrar shall coordinate with both the Hockey Director and Head of Managers to ensure that all staff members have the proper requirements as demanded by the State, USA hockey, AAHA and any leagues the club has joined before the start of the season.  


The Fundraising Coordinator shall actively develop programs and events to assist the Organization in raising funds for its non-profit purposes that is aligned with the Organization's Fundraising Philosophy, which is approved annually by the Executive Committee.  They are a member of the Finland Exchange Committee as chief fundraiser for said committee.  The Fundraising coordinator shall also perform such additional duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


The Hockey Director shall be responsible for engaging qualified coaches for all teams, coordinate the activities and training of all coaches, outline the duties of all coaches, relay all USA Hockey coaching clinic information to the Coaches and the Board of Directors and coordinate all in-house clinics for all age groups, to include goalie training.  The Hockey Director will also be responsible for supporting the Registrar for all Safe Sport requirements for coaches and players and perform such additional duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board to notify any leagues the club has joined and USA Hockey of any changes in team rosters during the season with assistance from the Registrar.

  1. Assistant Hockey Director shall assist the Hockey Director in all aspects required of the position.


The Scheduler shall schedule all home and away games on behalf of the Organization, schedule all practice sessions, coordinate referees and perform such additional duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


The Head Manager/Scorekeeper shall be responsible for communication with all Team Managers.  Additional duties included: coordinating all travel tournaments which the club pays for; working with the registrar to ensure all managers are compliant with required volunteer certificates; making sure all managers understand their duties (scoring games, running the game clock, staffing the penalty box).  They are also a member of the Finland Exchange Committee.


The Director of Youth Development shall be responsible for the 6U and 8U levels. They are responsible to actively recruit, pre-register, register, and assign players to their selected teams in the system. They will also oversee the operations of the 6U and 8U levels in coordination with the coaches and team managers, including but not limited to helping out with evaluation check-ins, jersey fittings, etc.  Acts as the general liaison to the board for these levels. Assists and oversees the planning of the Mite March tournament, 6U Mites on Ice, and the 6U end of season party. The Director of Youth Development works closely with the Hawks Registrar and Hockey Director and assists with finding 6U and 8U hockey coaches. 

  1. Assistant Director of Youth Development shall assist the Director of Youth Development in all aspects required of the position.


The Finland Exchange Representative shall be responsible for running the cultural exchange program.  Representative will update the Board on all business and communication matters; and provide support for and information about annual fundraising, outreach, communication, and organization for the host and travel years.  Representative may appoint one additional position, which must be approved by and voted on by the board, to add to the Head of Managers and Fundraising Chair committee members.  Appointment shall be for: Finland Treasurer.


The Alumni Relations representative will establish relationships with Hawks alumni, to include but not be limited to email correspondence, monthly newsletters, alumni events, alumni fundraising and an annual alumni hockey game.  



SECTION I.  A quorum of the Executive Board shall be three (3) members being present.

SECTION II.  A quorum of the Board of Directors will be three (7) members with voting rights being present.

SECTION III.  Except as otherwise set forth in the Bylaws, adoption of a motion or resolution will be by a majority of those present with voting privileges. 



SECTION I.  Special meetings of the Organization may be called by the President or upon written application to the President or the Secretary of five (5) parents and/or guardians of the Organization.  The special meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the written application.  Notice of special meetings shall be displayed prominently on the Organization’s website at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.

SECTION II.  Unless otherwise approved by the President or by a majority vote of the Board and posted on the Hawks Website ( at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date, the monthly Board of Directors meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of each month from August through May at the Skatium or on a date as decided by the Board of Directors.  Parents/Members in good standing will be invited to at least one meeting per season.

SECTION III.  Special Meetings of the Executive Board or the Board may be called by the President or upon written application to the President or the Secretary of any two (2) members of the Executive Board (for Executive Board meetings) or members of the Board (for Board meetings).  The special meeting shall be scheduled within twenty (20) days of the date of the application.  Notice of special meetings shall be displayed prominently on the Organization’s website at least five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting.

SECTION V.  Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings.



SECTION I. – Teams, Number of Players.  Subject to the availability of a sufficient number of qualified players or, alternatively, an excess of qualified players, the generally accepted number of players for each team shall be as follows:  

Travel Player Program

Age as of December 31st of upcoming season Team Team Size

17-18 18U 15 skaters* and two goalies

15-16 16U/15 Only 15 skaters* and two goalies

13-14 14U/13 Only 15 skaters* and two goalies

11-12 12U/11 Only 15 skaters and two goalies

9-10 10U/9 Only 15 skaters and two goalies

8 and under 8U 12 players

6 under 6U Up to 45 skaters

*14U,16U & 18U teams may have a greater number of skaters provided that the pool of players available is sufficient to support and fully form the number of teams approved by the Board of Directors.

**6U team may be established for those players eight (8) years old and under as an introductory program.  The emphasis of this program will be to develop fundamental hockey skills and expand upon existing skating skills.  The program will be for first and second year players based on ability.

SECTION II.  Team Coaches

  1. The Head Coach is a one-year term with a review by the Hockey Director at the end of the current season.
  2. All coaches must be certified for their level with USA Hockey as well as complete and pass all background checks as required.
  3. Any individual may submit his or her interest to become a coach to the Hockey Director by for a post the following season.  The request must indicate their current certification, expected certification for the following season and the level the desire to coach.
  4. Every effort will be made to identify the Coaches' positions prior to evaluations and to post the Coach information on the Hawks Website ( However, because it may not be possible for the Board to know the total number of teams, and team levels, until evaluations have been completed, there may be circumstances whereby a player must participate in evaluations without knowing in advance who his or her coach will be.

SECTION III.  Team Awards

All awards presented to the Hawks teams are the property of the Organization and will be given to the President.  All individual awards are the property of that player.

SECTION IV.  Team Manager

There shall be a team manager for each team who shall:

  1. Assist the Fundraising Coordinator with Organization fundraising efforts when needed.
  2. Schedule a Timekeeper, Scorekeeper and Staff the penalty box for each home game.
  3. File grievances from the team with the grievance committee
  4. Arrange accommodations for away games
  5. Work with the Head Coach
  6. Provide a written list to the Scheduler and the Vice President of all significant conflicts by the first weekend following Labor Day.  Such conflicts include religious holidays, school social events/dances, Proms, SAT test dates and other possible scheduling conflicts.

SECTION V.  Evaluations/Tryouts

  1. All registered players must attend the evaluation/Tryout for their age classification on the dates determined by the Executive Committee.
  2. The player placement decision of the head coach of the team with the assistance of evaluators, if available, is final and there shall be no appeal.
  3.  If a player is placed on the AA team, the player may not request assignment to the A team and a player placed on an A team may not request assignment to a B team.  
  4. A player refusing assignment to a team will not receive a release from the organization unless granted pursuant to Article V, Section VI. 
  5. If a player does not accept the placement, the coach may select a new player for the team.’

SECTION VI.  Playing above age level

All players must participate in their own age classification and will not be allowed to move up (or out of the age group). If USA Hockey, local affiliate and league rules allow, a player may request to play in a different age classification:

  1. Prior to evaluations, the player petitions the Executive Board and receives permission to tryout at a higher level; and
  2. If the player is granted permission to be evaluated at the higher level the player must pay the registration and evaluation fee for the level at which the player is trying out and attend the evaluation.  If the player also wishes to try-out at the player’s current age level (if the player fails to make a higher level), the player must pay a second evaluation fee and attend the evaluations for the player’s current age level.
  3. If the Executive Board grants the player’s request to be evaluated at both the player’s current age level and a higher age level, the Executive Board shall consult with the coach and the outside evaluators (if any) to determine that the player is skilled, physically and mentally prepared and otherwise capable to play at above age level. 

SECTION VII.  Medical Release

If a player seeks medical attention for any injury or illness, the player shall provide the Organization with a doctor’s note or release to return to play.  The note must be delivered to the head coach or team manager prior to permitting the player to practice or play a game and shall be given to the Head Manager/Scorekeeper and a copy sent to the Registrar.


  1. Any Haverford Hawk team that forfeits a game is responsible for payment of all penalties and fines.  In addition, the team is responsible for any and all ice costs, including the cost of referees.



SECTION I.  All purchases of uniforms, equipment and supplies shall require the prior approval of the President or Treasurer.



SECTION I.  If the conduct of any Participant or coach is deemed by the Executive Board or, in the case of a player, by the Coach to be detrimental to the best interests of the Organization, the Executive Board after an investigation by the Disciplinary Committee may by a majority vote, suspend or expel such Participant or Coach.  Such Participant or Coach shall have the right to appear before the Board of Directors and show cause why he or she should not be suspended or expelled.  Notification of appeal must be delivered to the President within forty-eight hours (48) of the determination by the Executive Board.  Absent an appeal, the determination of the Executive Board shall be final and binding.

SECTION II.  It shall be each Participant’s (players and parents) and each Coach’s duty to abide by and adhere to the Hawks Ice Hockey Code of Conduct, policies and, among other obligations, view such videos or attend such education sessions regarding appropriate conduct during, before and after games.

It shall be the player’s responsibility to:

  1. Represent the Organization in a mature and responsible manner at all times,
  2. Respect and accept the Coaches and Officials’ decisions,
  3. Attend all scheduled practices and games.  If unable to do so the player is required to notify their Head Coach or Team Manager,
  4. Wear appropriate attire to all games to include the proper Haverford Hawks uniform items.  No other team’s items are to be worn with the Haverford Hawks uniform.

It shall be the Parent’s duty to:

  1. Provide for or arrange for the transportation of the player to practices and games whether home or away and, if unable to do so, the parent shall notify the Head Coach or Team Manager,
  2. Pay all charges and fees levied by the club when due,
  3. Abide by the Haverford Hawks and league rules for Parent/Spectator Conduct.

It shall be each Coach’s duty to:

  1. Abide by the Hawks dress code for coaches
  2. Abide by all Hawks, League, Atlantic District and USA Hockey By-laws, rules and regulations.



SECTION I.  It will be the duty and obligation of each Head Coach to report any material misconduct, or a series or progression of misconduct committed by any Participant or Coach to the President or the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee promptly, but in no case more than two (2) days after the occurrence of the incident.

SECTION II.  Infractions of USA Hockey rules which mandate automatic suspensions shall be honored.  The Disciplinary Committee may choose to extend the suspension period if the individual displays a chronic disregard of the rules of the club and/or USA Hockey

SECTION III.  When a player commits an infraction of the rules, the player may be suspended from further participation in club activities until a hearing is held.  The Disciplinary Committee will conduct the hearing within ten (10) days of the start of the suspension at which time a final decision will be rendered.

SECTION IV.  If a parent is asked to leave a game (either home or away) by a game official the following penalties will be imposed.  Any offense will be sent to the Disciplinary Committee for review and action.



SECTION I.  Special Committees

  1. The President with the approval of the Executive Board may create such special committees, as it may deem necessary to promote the purposes and carry on the work of the Organization.
  2. The President shall appoint a chairman of each special committee.

SECTION II.  Standing Committees. 

The Organization will have the following Standing Committees.

Election Committee:

Chair: The Secretary will chair in odd years and the Registrar will chair in even years

Members: Two members of the Board approved by the Executive Board on an annual basis.

Responsibility To organize elections by advertising and receiving nominations by February 15th for those positions which are up for election.  The committee is then responsible for verifying that the candidates are in good standing with the club.  If the candidates are eligible their names with a brief bio will be post to the website.  The committee will then conduct the elections of those offices up for election using a formal and confidential process.  The committee is also responsible to verify that those voting are families in good standing with the club.

By-Laws Committee:

Chair: President

Members: Secretary and one more appointee approved by the Executive Board on an annual basis.

Responsibility: To meet once yearly to review and recommend changes of the  by-laws for submission to the Executive Board.  The by-laws committee will present any changes to the current Executive Board in January, allowing the Executive Board to make any corrections/additions in March.

Disciplinary Committee:

Chair: Appointed by the President

Members: A member of the Executive Board who shall Chair the committee along with two additional members from the appointed Board 

Responsibility: To enforce the rules and policies of the organization.  The decisions of the committee shall be final and binding and are not subject to appeal.

Grievance Committee:

Chair: Appointed by the President

Members: A member of the Executive Board who shall Chair the committee along with two additional members from the appointed Board

Procedure:  Submit grievance to Team Manager for presentation to the Grievance Committee.

  • Said grievance must detail specific violation(s) of the rule(s) or by-laws, or specific situation within the organization being grieved.
  • Grievances concerning a Coach or Manager must first be presented to that individual.
  • The committee shall have the express authority to interpret the by-laws and render a decision.
  • The Grievance Committee must convene a hearing within five (5) days of being notified of the grievance action.
  • The decision of the grievance committee must be placed in writing and forwarded to the Executive Board within five (5) days of the grievance hearing.

No grievances will be accepted concerning referees or their decisions. All decisions are final and unappealable.



SECTION I.  A reviewed financial statement of the Organization shall be prepared annually by an accounting firm engaged by the Executive Board and a copy shall be delivered to all Participants who so request a copy.

SECTION II.  AUTHORITY AND FORM OF SIGNATURE - The Treasurer or President shall sign all checks, drafts or orders of payment of money.  Treasury accounts shall be held in the name of Haverford Hawks Ice Hockey Club, Inc.  The President and Treasurer shall be the only authorized representatives permitted to withdraw from the Organization’s accounts, except for individual team accounts.



SECTION I.  These By-laws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors at a meeting called for that purpose. 



SECTION I.  Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all the assets of the corporation in the manner, or to an organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time quality as an exempt organization or organizations § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.  Any assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to an organization or organizations, as the court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes.


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