Atoms & Mites Program (6U/8U)
Our Youngest Hawks: Atoms 6U
The Haverford Hawks Atoms program is an introductory skating/hockey program for the first-time player between the ages of 4-8 years old. It is a full-season winter program (September-February) that teaches the concept of cross-ice team play from Day One. Our goal is for every child to develop every aspect of their skills, to eventually move to our Mite travel teams.
Once basic skills have been established, the program places the players onto an Atoms team, so they will play against other Hawks Atoms teams. They may also play in some games and tournaments against other local Atoms programs.
Our Atoms get a chance to Skate with Santa at no charge to them or their families during the winter holidays.
Tryout fee $0
Tuition $800
Tuition discount for families with two or more siblings:
- First Sibling – Full tuition
- Second Sibling – $150 discount
- Third Sibling – $200 discount
- Fourth Sibling – $300 discount
- Fifth and above – Discount to be approved by Executive Board
Mites 8U
The Haverford Hawks Mites program is the next level in our hockey program for the players between the ages of 7-8 years old. It is a full-season winter program (September-February) that continues to teach the concept of cross-ice team play. We will continue to emphasize skating development. This is still an age where they are learning and acquiring basic skills. We are still laying the foundation necessary to acquire more advanced skills in the future. At this level, we introduce a basic understanding of the game and team concepts.
The Mites get to participate in 2 tournaments at this level - our own hosted Mitey Mites Tournament at the Springfield Ice Rink in Springfield, PA as well as additional tournament chosen by the team.
Tryout fee $100
Tuition $1875
Tuition discount for families with two or more siblings:
- First Sibling – Full tuition
- Second Sibling – $150 discount
- Third Sibling – $200 discount
- Fourth Sibling – $300 discount
- Fifth and above – Discount to be approved by Executive Board
Evaluation/Tryout discount for families with two or more siblings:
- First Sibling – Full fee
- Second Sibling – Full fee
- Third and above – No Charge
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do they need to know how to skate in order to play with the Atoms?
A: Being able to skate is not a requirement to begin playing with the Atoms. Our program prioritizes skating development at this age.
Q: When/Where are the practices?
A: Atoms will have their practices on Monday and Friday evenings at The Springfield Ice Rink. Atoms also have a third practice slot, early Sunday Morning at the Skatium. This slot is also used for games/scrimmages. For the Mites the practice times/days vary for each team, but each team will have two practices a week. The practices will be in the evening at The Springfield Ice Rink.
All practice times, for each Hawks team, are posted on their team page prior to the start of the season.
Q: How many games do they play?
A: The Atoms will play 8-10 games/scrimmages once the season has been underway for a while and the kids have had a chance to develop their skating and skills. The Mites will play approximately 20 games.
Q: What equipment is needed?
A: Helmet with face shield/cage
Hockey gloves
Shoulder pads
Elbow pads
Neck guard
Shin guards
Hockey pants
Hockey socks (over shin guards)
Hockey stick
Q: What is the focus/goal of the program?
A: The goal of our Atoms Program is to build a foundation of skating and basic hockey skills (stickhandling, passing, shooting, body control). The program is designed to keep the children engaged, moving, and having fun. We want to prepare the kids for the next level of hockey and facilitate a love for the game.
With the Mites, we want to pick up where we left off with the Atoms. We will continue to emphasize skating development. This is still an age where they are learning and acquiring basic skills. We are still laying the foundation necessary to acquire more advanced skills in the future. At this level, we introduce a basic understanding of the game and team concepts.
Q: Do Atoms play in tournaments?
A: No, not at this level.
Q: Do Mites play in tournaments?
A: Yes, they play in 2 tournaments: Mitey Mites and 1 other tournament chosen by their team.
Q: How much is tuition:
A: Atoms 6U is $800 (no tryout fee). Mites 8U is $1650 with a $100 tryout fee.
Q: Is there a sibling discount for tuition?
A: Tuition discount for families with two or more siblings:
- First Sibling – Full tuition
- Second Sibling – $100 discount
- Third Sibling – $150 discount
- Fourth Sibling – $200 discount
- Fifth and above – Discount to be approved by Executive Board
Q: Is there a sibling discount for tryout fees?
A: Evaluation/Tryout discount for families with two or more siblings:
- First Sibling – Full tuition
- Second Sibling – Full tuition
- Third and above – No Charge